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Plastic Free Vegan Recipes

I'll admit. I've been a little down in the dumps recently what with all the environmental atrocities, poor leadership, climate crisis and so on.... so have seriously lacked motivation to write for myself. But if anything this should inspire me more, to do better and to embrace change when it comes to living a sustainable, eco-friendly lifestyle and to share that with others.

As a 2019 buzz word, you'll no doubt know 'plastic' is not natures friend and while some do their bit with keep-cups, bottles and saying no to straws I've always tried to go one step further than that which often means making a trip to my local market, making stuff from scratch and becoming BFF's with the zero waste store. Supermarkets 100% need to change their approach to plastic BUT we as consumers also have a choice and shouldn't let privilege get in the way of that. Two simple steps are buy local and if it's in plastic simply don't buy it or find a store that doesn't sell it wrapped in a plastic coating. If you realllllllly want it that bad then learn to make it, it will be both rewarding and climate-guilt free.

I read somewhere recently that the world doesn't need 1000 people who are doing zero waste perfectly it need millions and millions that are trying and doing it imperfectly. I couldn't agree more, we're not all in a position to achieve zero waste perfectly yet and that is where the government and businesses need to radically change. However, as individuals we are in power of our own decisions and if that means me taking a day to make tofu and yoghurt from scratch to stop it coming in a plastic container then I chose to as nature is worth for more than that to me.

With all this in mind 2020 is going to be the year I strive to go fully plastic-free and minimise my waste as much as I can. No slacking. So I thought I'd share some vegan recipes and ideas as I go along to show that while it may feel restrictive at first it can also be done.

First one is this delicious Vegan Burrito Bowl.


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